Althorpe & Keadby Primary School

  1. Information for Parents and Carers
  2. Attendance


Be through the gate by half past eight!

Our School day 

Main school 

Doors/ Register open: 8.20am 

Doors / Register closes: 8.30am

School Day Ends: 3.00pm 

After School Clubs end: 4.00pm 

Nursery 2 year olds 

Doors/ Register open: 8.20am 

Doors / Register closes close: 8.30am 

Session ends: 11.30am

Nursery 3 year olds 

Doors/ Register open: 12.00 

Doors / Register closes close: 12.10pm

Session ends: 3.00pm

Punctuality matters - See above for when our register closes. If your child is late for any session including nursery sessions, please ensure they enter school through the school office. 

Please ensure you contact the office before 8.30am each day if your child is unable to attend school.

Did you know?

Meet our attendance leads

Mrs White and Mrs Mason are our Attendance Leads and will be monitoring attendance and lates very closely. If we identify your child as needing support with their attendance and/ or punctuality we will arrange to talk this through with you and make a plan personal to your circumstances. 


Support for you

Are you struggling to support your child in to school on time each day? Have you thought about utilising our walking bus (with routes within Keadby, Gunness and Burringham daily) or our Breakfast club which starts at 7.30am daily. 

Showing 1-2 of 2

Supporting Good Attendance 


School has a number of initiatives in place to support families with ensuring good school attendance. 

  • Walking bus 
  • Taxi Service 
  • Breakfast Club 
  • Wake up calls 
  • House calls (for pupils with persistent attendance issues) 
  • The Attend Framework (see below) 

Mrs White and members of the senior leadership team will also conduct wellbeing house calls where a pupil's attendance is a cause for concern and work with families to get children in to school if it is safe and able to do so. 

The Attend Framework 

Alongside the Local Authority we have adopted the Attend Framework which is an early intervention programme for children with low attendance. Together, we will unpick your family's unique barriers to attendance and develop a range of strategies to support your child’s attendance to improve. This holistic approach ensures we have the best possible chance to find you and your family the right package of support needed to promote the best possible attendance for your child. 




Classopoly is our whole class reward incentive for attendance it is a roaring success with our children.

Any classes with a weekly attendance of 96% or above with move along the board. They work together to ensure they get a ‘roll of the dice’ and love seeing which reward they are going to get. Our rewards include- dodgeball, adventure playground time and even some own class choices.

Don't miss the best days of your life!

Attendance really does matter! The national data for children attending school is currently 96%. This means that children need to be attending school for at least 177 days out of 190 days per academic year to be in line with national expectations.

Of course we understand that children do become ill and these situations cannot be avoided. If this is the case please contact the school at the first possible opportunity.

We monitor attendance closely and unexplained absences or repeated or prolonged absences will be investigated - This is not because we are nosey - it is the law! Every half day of absence must be recorded as either authorised or unauthorised absence - repeated unauthorised absence will result with the parents of the child receiving a fine or possible court proceedings should the absences continue.

Our internal data analysis shows that where children have repeated time off school or lower attendance figures overall they have significant gaps in their learning.

The picture below is a guide, if you are unsure please contact the school where staff will be able to advise best next steps for your child.